Friday, March 31, 2017

chapter 2

Dear diary,


We are trying to find a way off of this island, so we are going to try to start a fire so it can grab the attention of someone and they can get us out of here. The boys decided using my glasses could help start the fire up with the sun but, it didn’t work. They just ended up messing up my specs even though they didn’t really care. We were going to try to get some sticks and rub them against each other to get it started since we couldn’t find any matches.


We left the it alone and then I guess because we used the wrong wood the fire started to spread and it was getting bigger by the second. I only had one job and it was just to watch the kids and take down their names, no one was watching the fire and I wasn’t watching the kids or getting the names, so when the fire burned into the forest and we couldn’t find one of the kids Ralf was all mad at me because they said he died because I wasn’t watching him.


It really wasn’t my fault though. I don’t know why he was yelling at me I dint have enough time to get the names of everyone. Plus they were all running around, I couldn’t do it by myself.  I feel bad because now he is lost and may be dead, what should I do?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Conch Shell

     The conch shell symbolizes civilization. It is important because they use it to show respect towards someone who is speaking. Everyone on the island who wants to talk uses it. It's used when people have something to say they have to be holding it.     

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chapter 1

Dear diary,

     I just landed on an island with a few other boys, there are no adults around at all and I don't know if I should be worried or happy. The other boys on the island seemed nice until I thought I could trust one of them with something. They were all introducing themselves saying what their names are and then they started calling me fat. That wasn't the thing that hurt me because I used to get called that before.

     I told one of the boys named Ralf that I used to get called piggy only because I trusted him but, I guess that was the wrong thing to do. He went and told all of the other boys that my name was Piggy when I specifically told him that I didn't want anyone else knowing. Everyone was laughing and pointing at me mocking me saying "Piggy, Piggy, Piggy" and I was really hurt.

     We decided that we should have a leader since we have no adults on the island and Ralph won the nomination. One of the other boys named Jack was upset that he didn't win. He thought that he should be the leader just because he can sing a C sharp but really no one cares. Ralph told him that he can be the leader of the choir just so he could stop complaining and it worked. But, that's all I really have to talk about for the day.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

D-Day Journal

     I think that William Golding was affected by being a part of D-Day because even though he survived now he had to live knowing the fact that all of those other people died. Even though he really couldn’t do anything to save him the memories of what had happened will always stick with him. Golding questioned the goodness of mankind because if mankind was good then why would people want to go out and kill one another. If mankind was good then there would be no reason to go out and destroy people's lives. Even though they were doing it for their country if there weren't any problems to begin with then no one would have to worry about their loved ones going to war and possibly not coming back.


     I believe that man is born with goodness. I don’t think that man is born selfish. I do believe that man can learn to be barbaric and evil. I believe this because, I think  that God created every person with a good heart but I just think that it’s the things that they chose to do and the way that  they chose to act or maybe what they might have been through in the past that can make then negative. I don’t think that people who go join the army are negative or were born cruel or anything I just think that they join the army because of the story behind it and they just want to fight for their country and for what they believe in.