dear diary,

Okay so, Sam and Eric said that they seen the beastie and it sound terrible. The way they described it and everything I hope it isn't true. I don't know what ill do if I end up seeing the Beastie, I don't think I can handle it. I stayed behind with the littluns while the other boys went out to look for it.

I cant imagine what's going to happen next. I don't know what to do. I just wasn't to get off this island and go home. I hope the boys are okay and maybe just maybe while they are out looking for the beastie they realize that we just need to do what we are supposed to do so we can get home.

I'm tired of getting treated wrong and being told what to do. I'm tired of not being listened to, and I don't like the fact that if I have something to say or an idea it isn't taken to consideration. it just isn't fair.
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