Tuesday, April 4, 2017

chapter 3

dear diary,

Today they were trying to build a hut. I wasn't helping them because they wasn't going to listen to me anyways. So they think that I'm "lazy".

Ralph thinks that everyone is lazy. Jack thinks that going out to catch a pig instead of building a shelter is more important. Simon went out to the forest alone to see what was out there but, I don't know why he wanted to go by himself.

I don't know why anyone doesn't listen to me. I do have some good ideas that could get us somewhere. I just want to get off this island before something terrible happens.


  1. Great job Devy your pictures state exactly what you are talking about.

  2. I agree with the comments above. But overall nice job!

  3. nice job you really captured the most important events in just 3 paragraphs
