Tuesday, April 25, 2017

chapter 7

dear diary,

The boys finally came back and man I didn’t think handling the littluns would be so tiring. Ralph was telling me how when he went out he slaughtered a pig and boy did he seem excited. He even told me how he went out to go on the search for the beastie, but of course when we went to have a meeting and an argument broke out.


The meeting was about who should lead. Everyone was scared to even speak their minds because of what jack might have to say or do. Then jack went off mad and ralph tried to help and stop him but he just didn’t want to listen.


I don’t know what to do or what's going to happen next.  Think I might just mind my business and stay out of the way, I mean that’s what they all want me to do anyways. I wonder if jack is going to come back, hopefully he does. 

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