Thursday, April 6, 2017


One of the symbols is the conch shell, the conch shell is something that they hold whenever they want to talk. They must all be quiet and listen to the person talking with the conch shell. Another thing the conch shell is used for is to cause meetings. Since Ralph is the leader whenever he wants to have a group discussion he will blow into the shell and that will let everyone know to get together.


Another symbol is the glasses, Piggy uses his glasses to see but Jack uses the glasses  to set the fire. They would take the lenses and focus the sun on them to create the fire. The glasses broke because of Jack so now he only has one lenses left to make the next fire.


The fire symbolizes hope, because they hope someone will see it so they can be rescued off the island.  Jack is the one who Is in charge of the fire. When the fire is rising they are hoping that they will be seen and then get rescued. They were close to getting rescued, but the fire went out last time.

1 comment:

  1. Remember that the conch symbolizes civilization and the glasses symbolize vision (both physical vision and mental vision).
