Monday, May 1, 2017

chapter 12

dear diary,

Ralph decides to hide in the jungle to get away from jack and the tribe. He thinks about the death of Simon and piggy and I think it started to get to him. He realizes that the cavitation is gone and that they have really gone mad.


I wish I was still alive to be with ralph because he looks lost and alone. He was my friend and its sad to see him afraid. Jack it rude and always thinks he's right and I don’t think hell change.


There was an officer and he tells the boys that his ships and others have come to the island after seeing the fire. The boys are finally getting rescued and I'm happy for them. Everyone is so happy to finally be able to go back home

chapter 11

Dear diary,

Jack and his tribe took my glasses, so when ralph and the boys try to light the fire to create a smoke is doesn't work. I hate the fact that they really took my glasses like how rude could you be? Maybe if they asked then I would be fine with it but they didn’t. Anyways, a meeting was called and we decided that we were going to go up to castle rock and reason with the boys.

When we got there jack tells us to leave, but ralph tells him that we need the glasses back first. Jack didn’t appreciate ralph asking for my glasses back so he attacked ralph.  Ralph tried to make jack understand that we needed the glasses if we wanted to get rescued.

The boys fight again and I couldn’t help but to cry out trying to make them stop. I tried to tell them why we needed to get rescued. Everyone just needs to understand that the only way that we will be able to leave this island is if everyone works together. 

chapter 10

dear diary,

This morning ralph and I met up on the beach, we couldn’t help but feel bad for Simon dying. Then again  I realized that it wasn’t really my fault that Simon died it was more of the boys fault because I wasn’t a part of the circle. Other than that, Jack has this tribe up on castle rock. They think that they are all that, but in my opinion they aren't.

 On castle rock jack is the leader OF COURSE!  He's so rude, he pushes the boys around like they don't matter. He doesn't care about what they have to say and of course he has all the power and control. He thinks that they revolve around him and its sad. I think that he's selfish.

I think that he's taking everything too far. There is this boy named Wilfred and he didn't even do anything and jack order his tribe to tie him up and beat him. Many things are out of control I wish it can all end. Everyday I wish I was rescued because I cant take it anymore

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

chapter 9

dear diary,

 Jack and ralph are having a large feast and me and ralph are invited. When we got there the boys were running around acting like savages and they had painted faces and all. These guys have no chance of survival, they have no shelter at all. We asked them what they were going to do in case of a storm and all they did was run around dancing in circles being all loud as if everything was just a game.

Something was creeping through the bushes and the hunters went to go attack it because they were thinking that it was the beastie. Whatever it was pushed down the rocks down to the ocean. Come to find out the thing was SIMON!!!
Man what did they do, what did we do!? We killed our very own Simon. Man oh man why, why, why. I knew this was getting to far we can't handle being out here what have we come to? We have really gone mad! I can't take this anymore it has gone too far, I just want to go home.

chapter 8

dear diary,

Out of nowhere the boys got into ANOTHER argument about how there is a beastie on a mountain. Jack was calling Ralph a coward and says he wants to go on by himself and like always he leaves all mad.

I decided to try and make Ralph feel better since he is my friend. I told him that he wouldn't survive without him. Ralph ended up feeling better. Jack went and made his own tribe with his hunters. These boys are not safe, I think that they are very dangerous and I'm not sure what to do next.

Hopefully they won't try to hurt us and do something crazy. I wish the guys cared about what I had to say. I think someone is going to try to gain control and take over, but hopefully they stay calm.

chapter 7

dear diary,

The boys finally came back and man I didn’t think handling the littluns would be so tiring. Ralph was telling me how when he went out he slaughtered a pig and boy did he seem excited. He even told me how he went out to go on the search for the beastie, but of course when we went to have a meeting and an argument broke out.


The meeting was about who should lead. Everyone was scared to even speak their minds because of what jack might have to say or do. Then jack went off mad and ralph tried to help and stop him but he just didn’t want to listen.


I don’t know what to do or what's going to happen next.  Think I might just mind my business and stay out of the way, I mean that’s what they all want me to do anyways. I wonder if jack is going to come back, hopefully he does. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

chapter 6

dear diary,

Okay so, Sam and Eric said that they seen the beastie and it sound terrible. The way they described it and everything I hope it isn't true. I don't know what ill do if I end up seeing the Beastie, I don't think I can handle it. I stayed behind with the littluns while the other boys went out to look for it.

I cant imagine what's going to happen next. I don't know what to do. I just wasn't to get off this island and go home. I hope the boys are okay and maybe just maybe while they are out looking for the beastie they realize that we just need to do what we are supposed to do so we can get home.

I'm tired of getting treated wrong and being told what to do. I'm tired of not being listened to, and I don't like the fact that if I have something to say or an idea it isn't taken to consideration. it just isn't fair.

Chapter 5

         Dear Diary,

Everything is out of control! no one is listening and no one is doing their job. Ralph wants to call a meeting and I know its not going to be good because he was already frustrated about his hair and what not. Then, on top of that the littluns think that they had actually seen the beastie!

Poor Ralph is really losing control of the group. If everyone really does stop listening to him the worst that can happen is that they start listening to Jack. Now we all know how that will end up we will probably never get off of this island if that ends up being the
case. I just hope everyone gets it together ASAP!

Of course Jack doesn't worry anything about the beastie because he thinks that he can take it down no matter what as if he's some sort of super hero. He really thinks that everything is just a joke all he ever cares about is hunting, nothing more nothing less. He really is out of control and always feels the need to pick on me.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


One of the symbols is the conch shell, the conch shell is something that they hold whenever they want to talk. They must all be quiet and listen to the person talking with the conch shell. Another thing the conch shell is used for is to cause meetings. Since Ralph is the leader whenever he wants to have a group discussion he will blow into the shell and that will let everyone know to get together.


Another symbol is the glasses, Piggy uses his glasses to see but Jack uses the glasses  to set the fire. They would take the lenses and focus the sun on them to create the fire. The glasses broke because of Jack so now he only has one lenses left to make the next fire.


The fire symbolizes hope, because they hope someone will see it so they can be rescued off the island.  Jack is the one who Is in charge of the fire. When the fire is rising they are hoping that they will be seen and then get rescued. They were close to getting rescued, but the fire went out last time.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

chapter 4

Dear Diary,

Today was a rough day. We almost left the island we were so close to getting rescued and going home. Really I could feel it, I just knew that our time to get rescued was near. But then of course it all got messed up. Sam and Eric were supposed to be watching the fire, but they ended up leaving with Jack because he needed them on the hunt. While they were gone Ralph and I seen a ship, but the ship didn't notice us because the signal of the fire went out.

Ralph and I were so upset. I was so angry with Jack mostly because he just didn't care. He was too focused on the fact that him and the boys captured and slaughtered a pig. Jack was so excited about the blood that they seen. When I told him that there was a ship, but the fire went out so they didn't see us the only thing he could say is we could just build another one. For some reason Jack ended up getting mad at me as if it wasn't his fault that we aren't being rescued. The guys decided to have a feast since we are now stuck on the island for a longer amount of time and GUESS WHAT Jack said I cant get any meat! He said that I don't get any meat because I'm already fat  and because he tried to say that I wasn't helping, but neither were the other boys.I know its just because he doesn't like me, so I stood up to Jack. I just figured that I'm tired of being treated this way and it isn't fair. Jack punched me in the stomach and he slapped me, then my glasses broke. So now we only have one source left to start the fire because one of my lenses broke and that's what we used to start the first fire. I still got to have some meat because Simon shared with me, he's so nice.

I'm not sure how the day will go tomorrow, but I hope everything goes perfect and that we can get rescued. I don't think that the guys will mess up the fire again because of what happened today, well I hope they don't.  tomorrow I think that Ralph will be on Jack making sure that he isn't going to try and go hunting and doing things that he shouldn't be doing while we are trying  to leave. I hope that we all make it without fighting or someone dying, but yup that's how my day went today.

The Beastie

The littluns think that the beastie is a snake, but Ralph thinks that that’s just the littluns imagination or its some type of nightmare. Piggy doesn't believe in the beastie and Jack doesn't care but he says whatever it is he will kill it. Simon just thinks that the beastie is "them" he also believes that all people can be mean or nice, it's their decision about the way they want to act.


I believe that the beastie doesn't exist because I don’t think that "monsters" are real. I think that it all may be in their heads just like Ralph. If the beastie is real its probably some type of animal that hasn't been heard of.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

chapter 3

dear diary,

Today they were trying to build a hut. I wasn't helping them because they wasn't going to listen to me anyways. So they think that I'm "lazy".

Ralph thinks that everyone is lazy. Jack thinks that going out to catch a pig instead of building a shelter is more important. Simon went out to the forest alone to see what was out there but, I don't know why he wanted to go by himself.

I don't know why anyone doesn't listen to me. I do have some good ideas that could get us somewhere. I just want to get off this island before something terrible happens.

Friday, March 31, 2017

chapter 2

Dear diary,


We are trying to find a way off of this island, so we are going to try to start a fire so it can grab the attention of someone and they can get us out of here. The boys decided using my glasses could help start the fire up with the sun but, it didn’t work. They just ended up messing up my specs even though they didn’t really care. We were going to try to get some sticks and rub them against each other to get it started since we couldn’t find any matches.


We left the it alone and then I guess because we used the wrong wood the fire started to spread and it was getting bigger by the second. I only had one job and it was just to watch the kids and take down their names, no one was watching the fire and I wasn’t watching the kids or getting the names, so when the fire burned into the forest and we couldn’t find one of the kids Ralf was all mad at me because they said he died because I wasn’t watching him.


It really wasn’t my fault though. I don’t know why he was yelling at me I dint have enough time to get the names of everyone. Plus they were all running around, I couldn’t do it by myself.  I feel bad because now he is lost and may be dead, what should I do?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Conch Shell

     The conch shell symbolizes civilization. It is important because they use it to show respect towards someone who is speaking. Everyone on the island who wants to talk uses it. It's used when people have something to say they have to be holding it.     

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chapter 1

Dear diary,

     I just landed on an island with a few other boys, there are no adults around at all and I don't know if I should be worried or happy. The other boys on the island seemed nice until I thought I could trust one of them with something. They were all introducing themselves saying what their names are and then they started calling me fat. That wasn't the thing that hurt me because I used to get called that before.

     I told one of the boys named Ralf that I used to get called piggy only because I trusted him but, I guess that was the wrong thing to do. He went and told all of the other boys that my name was Piggy when I specifically told him that I didn't want anyone else knowing. Everyone was laughing and pointing at me mocking me saying "Piggy, Piggy, Piggy" and I was really hurt.

     We decided that we should have a leader since we have no adults on the island and Ralph won the nomination. One of the other boys named Jack was upset that he didn't win. He thought that he should be the leader just because he can sing a C sharp but really no one cares. Ralph told him that he can be the leader of the choir just so he could stop complaining and it worked. But, that's all I really have to talk about for the day.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

D-Day Journal

     I think that William Golding was affected by being a part of D-Day because even though he survived now he had to live knowing the fact that all of those other people died. Even though he really couldn’t do anything to save him the memories of what had happened will always stick with him. Golding questioned the goodness of mankind because if mankind was good then why would people want to go out and kill one another. If mankind was good then there would be no reason to go out and destroy people's lives. Even though they were doing it for their country if there weren't any problems to begin with then no one would have to worry about their loved ones going to war and possibly not coming back.


     I believe that man is born with goodness. I don’t think that man is born selfish. I do believe that man can learn to be barbaric and evil. I believe this because, I think  that God created every person with a good heart but I just think that it’s the things that they chose to do and the way that  they chose to act or maybe what they might have been through in the past that can make then negative. I don’t think that people who go join the army are negative or were born cruel or anything I just think that they join the army because of the story behind it and they just want to fight for their country and for what they believe in.